Musings of Mother’s Day

May 2024

As a daughter, mother and grandmother myself (as well as an adoptee), the focus of Mother’s Day is one that has often been a difficult day for me. As a daughter I never lived with my own biological mother but instead had foster mothers until I was adopted by my maternal grandmother. This woman became the closest to a mother I ever had but as I was 14 when I was adopted I was wise enough to be cognizant of the real differences between biological, foster and adoptive mothers. None of them could replace the hole in my heart that belonged to my biological mother who was unable to embrace her role as a mother. It is a loss that has taken years to accept.

This year, in recognition of Mother’s Day (and understanding how challenging this day can be for adoptees), I will be offering a book discussion of Rebecca Wellington’s book, Who is a Worthy Mother: An Intimate History of Adoption. Rebecca is an adoptee herself who has done extensive research regarding the development and evolution of the adoption industry and invites others to hear her own story.

This book discussion will be the first in a series of book discussions that I call Adoption Chronicles. Its purpose is to open up conversations from all sides of the table regarding the complicated and real stories of adoption.

I invite you to join these conversations. For more information on the first Adoption Chronicles and to register, click here.

In health.

Abby Jacobson, Adoptee Counselor


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