
“It is with excitement and gratitude that I write this review. I am a fellow adoptee who was seeking a coach with first-hand experience working with folks who have survived relinquishment trauma. Abby helped me navigate the unique experiences, emotions, and grief that accompany those of us who have been adopted. I am also a psychotherapist who wanted to talk to someone with lived experience. The care, consideration, and knowledge that Abby brings to the table helped me to express myself in a setting where I felt understood and accepted. Abby is a skilled professional who deeply and completely understands the process of relinquishment, the Baby Scoop Era, and how much of our culture is unaware of the depths of despair that many adoptees experience. I deeply appreciate Abby and highly recommend her to fellow adoptees who are ready to take a deep dive.” …JC

“My adopted daughter is now 22.  She was born addicted to coke, taken from mom at birth.  Came to me at 10 months.  I had no idea of the profound effects of prenatal drugs and entered this journey blind. I spent the hardest 20+ years of my life ferociously advocating for services for my girl; special schools, therapy, struggling with all the learning difficulties, sensory issues, etc.

I desperately wish I had known someone like Abby to guide us, take away the self-blame, normalize the feelings, teach us what was going on between us. Help my African-American daughter find her identity.  Help her recognize the depth of her feelings of abandonment and emptiness.  I would have jumped all over the opportunity to get help from someone who understands, deep in her core, an experience that is like no other.  I hope you can find the support that wasn’t around when my daughter was younger.”… JL

“Ms. Jacobson's work as a child care provider, as a licensed therapist, as an alcohol and drug abuse counselor and as the coordinator at Putney Community Cares speak to her ability to support people in a variety of ways. Her knowledge of both local and state-wide human service organizations and experience working with people of all ages makes her an effective advocate.” … S. Hessey

“This is the most inspiring thing I've seen anyone decide to do in a long time. I would like to take a moment to share that Abby Jacobson is the most compassionate person you could find anywhere for this cause. That she is dedicating herself to it, I find spectacular. If someone you know (or you yourself) could benefit from professional support and guidance following an adoption, whether as the adoptee or as an adopting family member, please consider Abby. I know her personally and can't imagine a more sincere person also with both the personal AND professional experience needed - to give truly invaluable help.”…Jason C.

“ I wish I had someone like you when I turned 14 and was adopted”... JA